New Spot

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for joining me on A Full Gentleman's Blog.

We will be moving to our own site shortly.

Please join us over there. I am going to go ahead and transfer all of the existing posts over to there as soon as the template is ready.

Thanks for joining us, and we appreciate you reading!!


I got the new site set up, and it is under construction. I hope for it to be up and running by the weekend. Make sure to stop by and say "Hi" over there.

Please let me know if you have any ideas for the new site.


Cardinals Defense - The TRUTH about the Cardianls Playoff Run - A Mike Sando article Posted by

I have been telling everyone that the reason that the Cardinals have made it this far into the playoff is not due to the their stellar defense, but because they have stepped up and had an outstanding defensive run. The following article was on ESPN today, and I thought I would share it with everyone. Great article by Mike Sando. Enjoy!!

Here is the article

Restaurant of the Week - NOCA

This is another weekly column that I am starting. I will give a weekly restaurant, from somewhere around the Valley of the Sun. This is a great opportunity to get an opinion from someone living, working, and eating all over metropolitan Phoenix.

This week, I am going to start with a brand new restaurant that I have been to for the first time last week. NoCA (which I have been told stands for North on Camelback) is located at Camelback Road and 32nd Street on the Northwest Corner, by Safeway and another favorite, Delux.

I have only been there once, so unlike some of the other restaurants that I will be discussing, this one I only know a few items off of the menu. Keep in mind that I was there for dinner.

I started with Bacon and Eggs. It was way different that what I was thinking. The egg comes poached, and the bacon was not a strip like you and I imagine. It was very tasty, but took a while because apparently the chef messed it up the first time he cooked it for us.

I think had their pork chop then for dinner. It was very good, and had a side of Mac and Cheese that was to die for.

When all of the dishes came out, I was very scared that I would be hitting up a late night Wendy's or Jack in the Box run, because the portions looked tiny. I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't eating Jack's taco's on the way home. The menu was a little bit pricey, but the food was comparable to the price. I would go back for sure.

Check them out at

A Full Gentleman Star of the Week - Megan Fox

This is a new section for the blog. We are going to be copying the Bandwagon Girl of the Week, and choosing our own star of the week. This week we are starting with the hottest young starlet in Hollywood. Megan Fox is awesome. She is my favorite. Transformers was made by her. Check her out!!

Where The Watermellons Grow

Shout out number two is here for you all.

This one goes to my Muse for this blog. Chelz is the person who inspired me to get my own blog going. Her blog is funny, random, and tells the story of an Arizona girl lost in the glitz, glamor, and flashing lights of LA. She is starting her career as an actress, dancer, and all around Hollywood superstar. Best of luck to her.

Make sure to check her out at:

My Top 5 Books on Sales

Being a complete dork, and loving what I do, I tend to read a little bit about Sales. Sales is an integral part of all aspects of life. It doesn't matter what you do, you have to sell. Either selling yourself, selling a product, we all are constantly selling. Here are 5 of my favorite books on Sales. Check them out yourself. They are in no particular order.

1. The Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gitomer

This is an easy choice for one of my favorite books, let alone sales books. He does a great job of making the book an easy read, and his examples are tangible. The book is relatively new, so we aren't talking about selling typewriters door to door, or anything like that. He does a good job of making a book interactive.

2. Influence by Robert Cialdini

This book explains the Science behind Influence, and does a great job of breaking down the fundamentals of influence, and how we are programmed to deal with the different ways in which people try to change our mind.

3. How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins

This is an oldie but goodie. Explains all of the basic principles. A great book for the basics of sales, and something to build off of.

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is the Sales book of all Sales book. It is more about a lifestyle than anything else, but it is the basics of all good sales people. It is a classic, and one that I keep at my bedside and try to read at all times.

5. Soft Selling in a Hard World by Jerry Vass

This is a new addition to the collection. I am half way through, but already it is one of my favorites on the topic. He not only talks about the presentation, but the content, and psychology of a good sales pitch. Jerry Vass does a wonderful job of pulling together all of the other books into one "guide". It is a wonderful book on sales, and a true treasure.